The most important fertilizers supplier of complete fertilization solutions
SC COMBINATUL DE INGRASAMINTE CHIMICE SRL is a company with a tradition in the production of chemical fertilizers and also a promoter of the latest fertilization technologies in Romania. The objective of the company is to develop and bring on the market products containing the latest technologies, products that can bring added value to farmers. Thus, in recent years we have approved and introduced on the market two unique technologies in Romania:
– Nitrogen fertilizers or controlled-release complexes of the nitrogen – NG range
– Phosphorus based fertilizers or phosphorus enhancer complexes – Amesal range
The main concern of SC COMBINATUL DE INGRASAMINTE CHIMICE SRL is to provide farmers with complex fertilization solutions, adapted to the needs of each farmer, with increased efficiency and contributing to the protection of the environment.
Production / Supply / Transport / Financing / Equipment
Navodari Chemical Fertilizers Plant is located on the industrial platform with numerous storing spaces reaching at present a total capacity of approximately 200,000 tons.
The storing spaces are represented by covered halls and covered platforms, being possible to store both packed and bulk products. The goods accepted in bulk may be packed within our company, in big bags of 500/600/1000 kg. The access in the storing spaces of the plant may be made both by road and by railways, CICh Romania having its own railway network connected to the national network.
In addition, Navodari Chemical Fertilizers Plant benefits of a strategic location, near 3 harbours:
– at 10 km of Navodari Port
– at 5 km of Danube River and Ovidiu Port
– at 30 km of Constanta Port, …

Interview with Ernesto Sudati – CICH Owner
Twenty years ago, Năvodari Chemical Fertilizer Company seemed doomed extinction. It was all a ruin, turned into a garbage dump. Now, after 20 years and substantial investments, CICH Năvodari has a market share of 5% and is manufacturing and exporting high technology-based chemical fertilizers. Mr. Ernesto Sudati, the owner of the factory, spoke for the first time to the Romanian press about his 20 years of heavy investment in Romania, about the potential of the Romanian agriculture and about his plans concerning the Navodari factory. http://www.bursa.ro/ernesto-sudati-patron-cich-in-viitor-vom-avea-o-agricultura-supertehnologizata-si-precisa-85072734
Interview with Ernesto Sudati – CICH Owner
Twenty years ago, Năvodari Chemical Fertilizer Company seemed doomed extinction. It was all a ruin, turned into a garbage dump. Now, after 20 years and substantial investments, CICH Năvodari has a market share of 5% and is manufacturing and exporting high technology-based chemical fertilizers. Mr. Ernesto Sudati, the owner of the factory, spoke for the first time to the Romanian press about his 20 years of heavy investment in Romania, about the potential of the Romanian agriculture and about his plans concerning the Navodari factory. http://www.bursa.ro/ernesto-sudati-patron-cich-in-viitor-vom-avea-o-agricultura-supertehnologizata-si-precisa-85072734