Chemical Composition:
Total nitrogen (N) | 30% din care |
Ammoniacal nitrogen (NH4) | 7,5% |
Nitric nitrogen (NO3) | 7,5% |
Urea nitrogen (amidic-NH2) | 15 % |
NBPT urease inhibitor in urea nitrogen mass | 0,08% |
Appearance | Liquid |
Density at 20 °C | Approx.1.3 kg/l |
Freezing point | – 14°C |
pH (20 °C) | 7,0±0,5 |
Electric conductivity (0,1%) | 810 µS/cm |

Analysis method: according to Regulation 2003/2003
Nitro 30 N is a liquid nitrogen-based fertilizer. The presence of the three forms of nitrogen gives the product a complete plant feeding action: immediate effect owing to nitric nitrogen, coupled with the gradual feeding effect caused by the presence and the other forms of nitrogen.
The presence of the NBPT inhibitor allows the maximum utilization of nitrogen units, thanks to the blocking of the urea conversion into ammonia and to the NH3 evaporation, for a period of one to two weeks, thus allowing time for product incorporation by precipitations or by other means.
The DMPP nitrification inhibitor is used to delay the microbial nitrification process of ammonia for a period of up to 40 – 50 days, to maximize nitrogen availability during crop vegetation and to minimize nitrogen losses through leaching and denitrification.
Application doses and methods:
Dosage should be determined depending on soil fertility, type of pre-cultivation plants, type of crop and stage of plant development.
In open field fertilization,where the recommended doses are 100-400 kg / ha, use nozzles that are specifically dedicated to liquid fertilizer applications.
It is also recommended to use this product in fertirrigation, in doses of about 100 kg / ha; when used for foliar applications, the maximum dose recommended is 35 kg / ha, depending on the crop, with the introduction of the product in the basin at the end.
*Warnings and compatibilities: the product can be mixed with all liquid products. Be careful when mixing it with calcium-containing products. A dense, milky white insoluble precipitate is formed, which can be introduced into the nozzles.
It is advisable to perform compatibility tests before using the product! In case of use in protected environment (greenhouses, solariums) by fertirrigation, the quantity of product should not exceed 200g / hl of water. Equipment containing tin, copper and other alloys should be washed after use. Administer the product during the cooler hours of the day!
Storage conditions: Keep the product in its original packaging, hermetically sealed, in cool, dry and well-ventilated rooms, away from the direct action of the sunrays and heat sources. Storage temperature: between + 5 ° C and +30 ° C.